Why OSU?

The Boring Answer

OSU Solutions is a group of consultants dedicated to helping companies become more efficient by leveraging Salesforce & other technologies.

The Answer Your Boss Will Like

One of OSU’s main goals is to build a system that allows your organization to cut costs and drive sales.

Also, due to our extensive network and the fact that we’re not too greedy, our rates are competitive. 

We’re Not White Belts  Answer

Our team has been helping companies with CRMS (specializing in Salesforce) for a long time… Like over 25 years. We've been in your shoes, having been CEOs, CIOs, and owners of companies in various fields. We’ve worked with just about every SFDC Cloud, CRM, and integration tool across most industries. This answer is kind of boring too.

The Answer That Matters

Like other firms you’re looking into, we can continue and tell you how great we are with Salesforce, and why we’re the best — blah, blah, blah. It’s all just nice words and we know you don’t care. 

At the end of the day, any Salesforce project is a serious undertaking. Like joining a dojo or a marriage, you'll be working with whatever firm you choose for months and potentially even years. You should trust, respect, and enjoy the people you’re working with as you’ll be spending more time with them than you do with many of your closest friends.